Sunday, May 1, 2016

Create all combinations [x] and [x y] where x,y set's elements (GitHub: csv-statistic)

 (ns clojure.examples.collections
(defn alones
[ coll ]

   (for [x coll :when (not (number? x)) ]
    (str ":" x ))
(defn cartesian-pairs
"Function read col and return list of all possible pairs [ [x1 x2] .. [xi xj] ] alone elements [x] where xi not = xj and xi not number   "
[ coll ]

  (for [x coll  y coll  :when (not= x y) :when (and (not (number? x)) ( not (number? y)))
    :when ( < (.indexOf coll x)  (.indexOf coll y))  ]
   (str ":" x "_" y ))

(def my-coll [123 45 "b" "f"  "d" "e"  123 1234 4534] )

;(->> my-coll cartesian-pairs println )

(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (inc (%1 %2 0)))
        (reduce conj (cartesian-pairs my-coll) (alones my-coll) ))
The final Result :
{:e 1, :f_d 1, :d 1, :b_d 1, :b_f 1, :f 1, :d_e 1, :f_e 1, :b 1, :b_e 1}     

Let's make small modification and reduce assoc formula will work with atomic collection
(def collection (atom {}))
(def my-coll [123 45 "b" "f"  "d" "e"  123 1234 4534] ) 

;(->> my-coll cartesian-pairs println )

(reduce #(swap! collection assoc %2 (inc (%1 %2 0)))
        (reduce conj (cartesian-pairs my-coll) (alones my-coll) ))

(println "Atomic collection: " @collection)

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