Thursday, July 7, 2016

Asynchronous UI services framework (UPDATED)

This is first page which introduce to Asynchronous UI services framework.

Basic concept:

Calls from client to server made in 2 ways: First AJAX health teek. Second AJAX request, From server to client html5 used EventSource transparent protocol.
All imported parameters encrypted and decrepted by JScript client used blacktea.js library
From programmer point of view Client only initiate calls from server , server itself send messages to
Every model in framework has own frequency to send messages to client . It could be dynamically changed by client . (Normally one teek per 1 - 3 sec)
All models/windows could be disposed by dispatcher demon of framework based by multiple circumstances
There is central dispatch window which may control all other models/window ( see this example). Aka Linux operational system
No need to keep the session per model . All User state data can be stored in Hash maps
Easy API and services plug in


Operate and work state-less no user sessions are required, use tokens for authentications. Every user has own model which linked to user by widow token
Fast processing of 10 thousands requests per seconds without memory impact
Easy way to add services in Spring way ( as singletons or Abstract Factories ) by using application context xml file the same as Spring has or annotations
Possible to create real time application which immediately reflect
Allow to have disconnection from server without big impact to user application and quick restoring
Independed window system which allow to open one type window/model from another and securely pass credentials information to another window/model

Recent features implemented in v.1.1

encryption of URL encoded parameters

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